I want to use something like this in a regular page:
{{ range .Site.Taxonomies.series.golang }}
<li><a href="{{ .Page.RelPermalink }}">{{ .Page.Title }}</a></li>
{{ end }}
The above is copied and pasted from https://gohugo.io/templates/taxonomy-templates/#example-showing-content-in-same-series.
This works but what I really want to do is have golang
be a variable that is defined in that regular page’s front matter. I’ve tried a bunch of things and they have all failed including:
{{ range .Site.Taxonomies.series.{{ .Params.t }} }}
From this failed experiment, I learned about the DOT (.) being different inside the range. So then I tried this:
{{ $t := .Params.t }}
{{ range .Site.Taxonomies.series.{{ $t }} }}
which also failed.
Does anyone have any tips for getting this to work?