Range variable from frontmatter using shortcode

Hello, I’m trying to get the variable from frontmatter through shortcode and range it inside the shortcode to show it on the markdown file.

Frontmatter -

    - language: Python
        - name: API Mode
          content: api mode content code
        - name: Proxy Mode
          content: proxy mode content code
    - language: Node Js
        - name: API Mode
          content: api mode content code
        - name: Proxy Mode
          content: proxy mode content code

My Shortcode -

{{< code-snippet "code_snippet_1" >}}

My Shortcode content -

{{ $snip := (.Get 0)}}

{{ range (index .Page.Params $snip)  }}
    {{ .language }}
{{ end }}

I don’t seem to understand the issue if anybody can help. I know ranging with $ is not possible.


The front matter, markdown, and template code that you posted work as expected. What’s the problem?

ah, my bad, apologies. you can delete the question if required.

Appreciate your efforts @jmooring