Range Output Uniq String

i have an YAML file (articles.yaml) like this:

   name: art1
   weight: "12"
   form: round
   name: art2
   weight: "12"
   form: round
   name: art3
   weight: "12"
   form: rectangle
   name: art4
   weight: "12"
   form: rectangle

And i want to output just the form, but not duplicated.

{{ range $.Site.Data.articles }}
  - {{ .form | uniq }}
{{ end }}


  • round
  • rectangle

I understand that uniq doesnt work on strings. But what is the workaround for that problem?

You need to store the value of each .form first. Then execute uniq

{{ $form_values := slice -}}

{{ range $.Site.Data.articles }}
  {{ $form_values = $form_values | append .form }}
{{ end }}

{{ range ($form_values | uniq) }}
  {{ . }}
{{ end }}
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