Range one level of subpages and subdirectories?

Is it possible to list/ range only one level of subpages/ subdirectories for both list/ single pages? I have a directory structure that is something like this:

❯ tree content 
├── _index.md
└── wiki
    ├── a
    │   ├── _index.md
    │   ├── test2.md
    │   ├── test3
    │   │   └── _index.md
    │   └── test.md
    ├── b
    │   ├── file.md
    │   └── _index.md
    ├── c.md
    └── _index.md


range .Pages is what you need.


Collection of regular pages and only first-level section pages under the current list page.

See more here: Page variables | Hugo

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