Range depend on Langs

Hello. I have a params

  text = ""
  text_ru = "text"
  text_de = "text 2"
  text_cn = ""

and range

{{ $lang := .Lang }}
{{ range .Site.Params.reviews }}

How can I show only reviews with text? It should depend on .Lang.
For example,
for RU and DE it should be shown.

may be (untested) change for

  lang = "xx"
  text = ""
  lang = "ru"
  text = "text"
  lang = "de"
  text = "text 2"
  lang = "cn"
  text = ""


{{ range .Site.Params.reviews }}
   {{ if .text }}
do what you need
   {{ end }}
{{ end 

Thank you.
This could be a solution, but it will be better if I don’t change the structure.

why ?

having only one [[params.reviews]] doesn’t make real sense to me if you want to range over it.

It an example. I have 100+ params.reviews. But if this is the only way, then of course I will try your option.

OK. I get it.

May be you can try something like this (adapted from my code but untested) :

{{ $lang := .Lang | default "" }}
{{ $find_review := partial "find_review.html" (dict "context" . "lang" $lang ) -}}


{{ $lang := .lang }}
{{ $temp := .context.Param ( printf "text_.%s" $lang) }}
{{ $param_lang := .context.Param $temp }}

{{ return $param_lang }}

with does not throw errors if something is “empty”.