Problem with findRE

I am trying to display only the first part of the summary. According to the docs this should work. Am I missing something?

{{ findRE “/.+?(?=#)/gm” .Params.Summary }}

Hugo 0.68.3
Error: add site dependencies: load resources: loading templates: “/srv/layouts/_default/summary.html:46:1”: parse failed: template: _default/summary.html:46: invalid syntax`

Hugo based on Golang, it using RE2 syntax, RE2 syntax Documentation.

You can test your regex formula here, dont forget to choose the Golang flavor.

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Ah I had checked that site but did indeed overlook the Go flavour!

Instead of a text string {{ findRE “.+?(#)/gm” .Summary }} now gives me which seems to indicate an empty array instead of the body text up to the first header.

Using flags in re2 explained in Grouping table in RE2 Documentation

but i guess this is what you want

{{ findRE `[\S\s]+#` .Summary }}

you can wrap the formula string using backtick ( ` ), so you dont need to escape backslash.

Thanks for your quick reply Pamubay.

{{ findRE [\S\s]+# .Summary }} gives the same result i.e. [ ]

btw the link does not work
and takes too long to load (weird)

Looks like Github down.
well i dont know the output of your .Summary, but here is the working example regex.

{{ $body := `

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

# Header 1

` }}

{{ findRE `[\S\s]+#` $body }}


[ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. #]

I might be misunderstanding what you are trying to accomplish, but there’s an excellent (and intelligent) truncate function: