Problem with external url for images

Im not sure how to do it by easiest and correct way

my hugo theme dont work with featured images using external url from tumlr etc. But i correct it on the index template replacing :slight_smile:

{{ $bg := (absURL (printf "images/%s" $image)) }}

{{ $bg := (absURL (printf $image)) }}

I managed to do it a little by accident

But pls help how to edit post template becouse my featured images cant work on posts

this is my layouts/_default/single.html

{{ define "main" }}
  <div class = 'wrap mt post'>
  {{- $date := (dateFormat "02. January 2006" .Date) -}}
  <p class = 'post_date'>{{ $date }}</p>
  <h1 class = 'post_title'>{{ .Title }}</h1>
  <div class = 'post_body'>
    <div class = 'post_inner'>
    {{ with .Params.image }}
      <img src = '{{ absURL (printf $image) }}' alt = '{{ . }}' class = 'post_thumbnail'>
    {{ end }}
      {{ .Content }}
    <div class ='post_extra mb-2'>
      {{ partial "share" . }}
    {{ template "_internal/disqus.html" . }}
<a href = '{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}' class = 'post_nav'><span class = 'post_next'>The Latest 
  <svg class="icon icon_scale">
    <use xlink:href="#double-arrow"></use>
{{ end }}

inside the with the .Params.image is a dot.

{{ with .Params.image }}
      <img src = '{{ absURL (printf .) }}' alt = '{{ . }}' class = 'post_thumbnail'>
{{ end }}

The title of course is not right anymore. probably .Title, if there is no other loop around.