Im not sure how to do it by easiest and correct way
my hugo theme dont work with featured images using external url from tumlr etc. But i correct it on the index template replacing
{{ $bg := (absURL (printf "images/%s" $image)) }}
{{ $bg := (absURL (printf $image)) }}
I managed to do it a little by accident
But pls help how to edit post template becouse my featured images cant work on posts
this is my layouts/_default/single.html
{{ define "main" }}
<div class = 'wrap mt post'>
{{- $date := (dateFormat "02. January 2006" .Date) -}}
<p class = 'post_date'>{{ $date }}</p>
<h1 class = 'post_title'>{{ .Title }}</h1>
<div class = 'post_body'>
<div class = 'post_inner'>
{{ with .Params.image }}
<img src = '{{ absURL (printf $image) }}' alt = '{{ . }}' class = 'post_thumbnail'>
{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}
<div class ='post_extra mb-2'>
{{ partial "share" . }}
{{ template "_internal/disqus.html" . }}
<a href = '{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}' class = 'post_nav'><span class = 'post_next'>The Latest
<svg class="icon icon_scale">
<use xlink:href="#double-arrow"></use>
{{ end }}