For development reasons, I have my Hugo source files saved on a shared network drive. Up till now, I’ve had no trouble running the “hugo server” command off of the drive using the windows drive location, i.e. “hugo server -s S:\Website\Source”
However, lately, when I run it, though it says it created the site, it never runs the server. The last thing I see is “Watching for changes…” It doesn’t even do that, though, not refreshing when I do make changes.
It seems to do this even when I run with the --renderToDisk=true flag.
I wonder if this is an issue with my using a shared network drive, because when I manually copied the contents of that folder to my C:\ drive and ran the same command there, it worked fine. I did try a symlink to the network drive, but that didn’t make a difference.
Any idea about how I could get this functioning like it used to? I’d really like to continue using the shared drive, but as it is now, I have to manually regenerate the site after every tiny CSS change. Very inconvenient…
Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, it’s on a server I don’t have access to other than the specific shared directory. That said, I’m happy with the stopgap solution I’ve found. I make changes on the shared drive, it’s synced immediately to the local directory, and Hugo right away compiles and serves the changes.