Dear All
I have “blog” section and “quote” section like this →
Everytime I visit “My Second Blog Post” and click Next, it continue to “My First Quote Post”. How to prevent that?
So when I click Next on the last post of current section, it just stop there without continue to another section post?
And this is pagination code on my layouts/_default/single.html →
{{ if eq .Section "blog" }}
<div class="pagination">
<a class="prev" href="{{ if .PrevPage }}{{ .PrevPage.Permalink }}{{ else }}#{{ end }}">« Prev</a>
<a class="next" href="{{ if .NextPage }}{{ .NextPage.Permalink }}{{ else }}#{{ end }}">Next »</a>
{{ end }}
October 27, 2022, 6:15pm
Try this
{{- if in .Section "blog" -}}
{{- $p := where site.RegularPages.ByDate.Reverse "Section" "blog" -}}
<div class="pagination">
{{ with $p.Prev . }}
<a class="prev" href="{{ .Permalink }}">« Prev</a>
{{ end }}
{{ with $p.Next . }}
<a class="next" href="{{ .Permalink }}">Next »</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
If you need to show the title, replace prev
and next
with {{ .Title }}
I tend to declare my prev and next and then test against them in cases similar to these which eliminates needing to specify which section you’d be in.
{{$next := .Next }}
{{$prev := .Prev }}
{{if $prev}}
{{if ( eq $prev.Section .Section)}}
<a class="prev" href="{{ $prev.Permalink }}">« Prev</a>
{{if $next}}
{{if (eq $next.Section .Section)}}
<a class="next" href="{{$next.Permalink }}">Next »</a>
October 27, 2022, 7:45pm
Your code throws an error
execute of template failed: template: : executing "main" at <$prev.Section>: nil pointer evaluating page.Page.Section
fixed. Alternatively I probably could have used this if I wanted to be more concise.
{{ $next := .Next | default . }}
{{ $prev := .Prev | default . }}
{{ if and ( eq $prev.Section .Section) (ne $prev .) }}
<a class="prev" href="{{ $prev.Permalink }}">« Prev</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if and (eq $next.Section .Section) (ne $next . ) }}
<a class="next" href="{{$next.Permalink }}">Next »</a>
{{ end }}
1 Like
It works. But one of the button disappear.
I need both button still there and prevent them continue to another section.
I modified to this code but one of the button still disappear.
{{ $prev := .Prev | default . }}
{{ $next := .Next | default . }}
<div class="pagination">
{{ if and (eq $prev.Section .Section) (ne $prev .) }}
<a class="prev" href="{{ if $prev }}{{ $prev.Permalink }}{{ else }}#{{ end }}">« Prev</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if and (eq $next.Section .Section) (ne $next .) }}
<a class="next" href="{{ if $next }}{{ $next.Permalink }}{{ else }}#{{ end }}">Next »</a>
{{ end }}
If that is the case you should wrap the Href value with the if statements like so.
{{ $next := .Next | default . }}
{{ $prev := .Prev | default . }}
<a class="prev" href="{{ if and (eq $prev.Section .Section) (ne $prev .) }}{{ $prev.Permalink }}{{ end }}">« Prev</a>
<a class="next" href="{{ if and (eq $next.Section .Section) (ne $next .) }}{{$next.Permalink }}{{ end }}">Next »</a>
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October 30, 2022, 5:50pm
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