Prefix with multilingual support

next newbie question - can i do something like this

IN en.toml

other = " SCRUM Lorem Ipsum "

other = " DevOps Lorem Ipsum "

in the x.htmL

{{ $prefix        :=  ("scrum" }}
<p>{{ i18n $prefix"_info"  }}</p>

and how do i set the Prefix via URL?

thanks for help

I tried this ā€¦

{{ $prefix      :=  ("scrum") }}

{{ $i18n_tag    :=  print $prefix "_info" }}


<p>{{ i18n "{{$i18n_tag}}"  }}</p>

But this gives me


So no clue what to do an wher to debug ā€¦
Thanks for Help rob

thsi does not work either

{{ i18n "{{print $i18n_tag}}" }}

got it - it works with pipes

{{print $i18n_tag | i18n }}

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sure - ok !

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