Please help me add an external link to my site

You have to add all those files first:

git add -A

Then commit them:

git commit -m "some message"

Thank you! In my case it required sudo. At last I pushed my git local to git remote: Branch ‘master’ set up to track remote branch ‘master’ from ‘origin’. Tomorrow I’ll merge my changes into git local and will push it to the remote.

What means “Install the theme as a submodule”? What’s the difference between clone and submodule? Can I do it after I cloned it to my git local?

While you’re learning, don’t stress too much about the theme as submodule vs. cloning. Some hosting solutions require themes to be submodules (see the link above)…but let’s just get you a working site, and then you can tell us how you’re planning on hosting it, and we’ll go from there.

PS @vistad - sorry for forgetting about git add -A. I’ve almost always use a GUI for git (mainly the one built into Atom or Sourcetree) which deal with most of the details for me.

You shouldn’t need to run git as root (i.e. ‘required sudo’). What system are you developing on? Maybe you’re using an unusual directory for development or there’s something wrong with your git setup.