Hello all,
I have pages with frontmatters
indeximage: picture.jpg
The pages are listed on an index page “_index.md”.
I have access to the frontmatter, the value “picture.jpg” of the key “indeximage” is output.
The display of the picture on the index page does not work.
I try it with
<img src="/{{ .Page.File.Dir }}{{ .Page.Params.indeximage }}">
In the source code of the created page I find the line
<img src="./pens%5cfend%5cfend-normix-pat-index.png">
What do I need to do to get the following output?
<img src="./pens/fend/normix-pat-index.png">
Thank you very much for your help and best regards
(Text translated from German with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)
Renamed “Pictures on Listpage (_index.md)” to “Pictures from ‘subpages’ (name.md) on Listpage (_index.md)”