PhotoGallery shortcode can't find images to display [path to images]

This question is somehow related to previous one.

Gallery page
Markdown of gallery

I have a shortcode gallery on my page and it doesn’t show up pictures, because of incorrect path.

[HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 0ms]

Here is a gallery code snippet:

<div class="gallery">
    {{ $path := print "static/img/" (.Get "src")  }}
    {{ $url  := print (.Get "src") }}
    {{ range (readDir $path)  }}
        {{/* don't try to display directories */}}
        {{ if and (ne .Name ".DS_Store") (not .IsDir)  }}
            {{ $src := print "/img" "/" $url "/" .Name }}
                troubleshoot the $src variable as needed
                <!-- <p>{{ $src }}</p> -->
            <a data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ $src }}">
                <img src="{{ $src }}">  <br/>
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

Mr @jmooring suggested in the previous post following construction:

src="{{ `js/lazy-load.js` | relLangURL }}"

I suspect that it should be applied somewhere here:

{{ $path := print "static/img/" (.Get "src")

But due to my “awesome” brain and luck of knowledge i can’t figure out how to do this to make things rollin’.

You suspect incorrectly. And your conclusion from @jmooring’s JS example is not correct.

Everything in static is copied to public (aka the root of your website). So, static/img is copied to public/img. Just like static/js gets copied to public/js and accessed as js/something.js | relLangURL. I’m sure you’ll find your way from here.

In addition, you might want to think about using Page Bundles and their resources instead of stuffing every image into static/img. That’s a lot easier to use than fiddling around with ReadDir etc.
BTW: This question has been asked in various forms a gazillion times already. Searching in the forum should’ve turned up a lot of useful information.