I understand Page.URL will soon no longer be supported. I’ve never used Permalinks and I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around that. I have read the documentation but it is still very unclear.
Do I have to write something like this for every link to another page on my website? Doesn’t look like economical code writing.
{{ range .Site.Pages }}
{{ if eq .Title "Syllabus" }}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }} ">SYLLABUS</a>
I cannot find online explanations of the basic concept.
I’m only trying to insert a link to the page syllabus.html. It’s not a menu, it’s just one signe link to a specific page, a cross page reference, yes. If I write what you suggest I will get a list of links for all the pages on my site, right?
I’m used to writing:
<a href="/content/syllabus.html ">SYLLABUS</a>
I’ve been managing things like that with Jekyll so far. It is working fine at the moment but from what I understand it is not viable since Hugo will stop supporting Page.url.
Again, I have read the doc and there are loads of things that are above my level of understanding ! I’m trying to find the right tutorial for me.