Params scope error in a with -> range clause

Hello all,

it’s my first post here.

I have an issue when i try to get .Params value in a range embedded in a with clause. Here’s the code

{{ with .Site.GetPage “page” “” }}
    <div class="col-main">

        <h2 class="with-sub">{{ .Title }}</h2>
        <p>{{ .Description }}</p>

    {{ range $index, $value := .Params.benefits_text }}
    <div class="col-benefit">

        <img src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}{{ index .Params.benefits_icon $index }}" alt="">

        <p>{{ $value }}</p>

    {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

The {{ index .Params.benefits_icon $index }} return an error. it seems the scope change and i only find one way to have no error by using a $current var instead with.

{{ $current := .Site.GetPage “page” “” }}
    <div class="col-main">

        <h2 class="with-sub">{{ $current.Title }}</h2>
        <p>{{ $current.Description }}</p>

    {{ range $index, $value := $current.Params.benefits_text }}
    <div class="col-benefit">

        <img src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}{{ index $current.Params.benefits_icon $index }}" alt="">

        <p>{{ $value }}</p>

    {{ end }}


Is there another way to keep the scope on the page called by the with clause ? Thank you for your help !