I have html template for inline css below
{{ if and (eq .Type "collection") (eq .Params.layout "list") }}
.hero-bg::before { background-image: url(/uploads/{{ .Params.hero_bg | safeCSS }}); }
{{ with $collListStyle }}{{ .Content | safeCSS }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}
the result was error
{{.Params.hero_bg | safeCSS}} appears in an ambiguous context within a URL
any idea?
July 15, 2019, 12:28pm
CSS background image URLs need to be quoted
Edit: something like:
.hero-bg::before { background-image: url('{{ printf "/uploads/%s" .Params.hero_bg | safeCSS }}'); }
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No luck still the same error, but strangely it works in homepage condition without quote at all
{{ if .IsHome -}}
.hero-bg::before { background-image: url(/uploads/{{$.Site.Params.hero}}); }
{{ end }}
July 15, 2019, 6:39pm
This works for me for homepage and regular pages. I supplied front matter as
hero_bg: some-img.jpg
What does that param actually look like?
July 15, 2019, 6:47pm
Me too. It’s YAML, so those values are equivalent.
Since your error cannot be reproduced off the original code snippet, you need to share your repo, or create a small sample project that reproduces your issue and share that.
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