Digging in GitHub about .Store component … today nothing in the DOC, but @bep will write it - thanks
.Store is like .Scratch, but is a part of the page object and always there.
Pagination renders a page list ( mostly with .Render “Summary” ). I tryed to collect data (used sprites) from this pages in in my list template (_default/list.html).
{{ $paginator := .Paginate $pages.Pages 20}}
{{ range $paginator.Pages -}}
{{ partial "summary.html" . }}
IF summary.html stores values in .Store, this is the Store of the page, where the summary comes from and not the Store of the list page.
We must copy the value over.
from layouts/_default/list.html
{{ range $paginator.Pages -}}
{{ partial "summary.html" . }}
{{ $sp := .Store.Get "sprites" }} <!-- set by summary -->
{{ range $key, $val := $sp }}
{{ $.Store.SetInMap "sprites" $key $val }} <!-- bring it home -->
Summary template is _layouts/partial/summary.html
This can be usefull in other use cases.
Here is my complete Sample Repo HTH