I have the following table
{{ $caption := "" }}
{{ with .Get "caption" }}
{{ $caption = printf `<caption class="text-center">%s</caption>` . }}
{{ end }}
{{ $class := "" }}
{{ with .Get "class" }}
{{ $class = . }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "small" }}
{{ $class = print $class "table-sm" }}
{{ end }}
<div class="table-responsive extra-wide">
{{ .Page.RenderString .Inner |
replaceRE "<table>" (printf `<table class="table %s mb-0">%s` $class $caption) |
replaceRE "<tbody>" `<tbody class="table-group-divider"` |
I’m trying to use Markdown’s reference style links within the inner content of the table shortcode as follows:
{{< table small=true >}}
| Field | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id` | Tag ID specified in the [wiki][mbox-propif]. |
| `buffer_size` | Size of the buffer (not the tag) in bytes. |
| `status` | Tag status: <ul><li>Bit 31 should be cleared for requests.</li><li>In responses, bit 31 is set and bits `[30:0]` indicate the response buffer size.</li></ul> |
{{< /table >}}
However, the shortcode does not resolve the [mbox-propif] reference link. How do I get this to work?