Our Navigation is now broken in 0.34

Our Docs site - https://tyk.io/docs/ no longer displays the Navigation Menu on the left, or the buttons at the bottom of each page with version 0.34 (on local server). The latest version that still works is 0.32. Our source is available at https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-docs if anyone wishes to test it.

Does anyone have an idea of what might have caused it?


Looks like it is working for me. Have you tried clearing the browser cache?

Hi @Jonathan_Griffin this was on a fresh install of Hugo. I’ll investigate further this end.

Hi @Jonathan_Griffin I have just had someone who hadn’t had Hugo installed before (he installed via homebrew), have the same issue after cloning the repository.

I had a look at the source and while I haven’t implemented bundles I have read many forum posts about various errors since that update.

Looks like you need to replace your section index.md with _index.md (I did that on a few sections and they started showing in the nav).

Basically add an underscore.

Hi Jonathan,
Apart from any content I currently have in index.md being displayed after the conversion to _index.md (which is the expected behaviour if I understand it correctly, and I need to get a solution to), I have problems testing locally. I upgraded to 0.35 on a machine today and the local version keep losing the navigation menu apart from the very top documentation link even after converting the index.md to _index.md. Very Strange