i have a question about the dot hugo theme (https://gethugothemes.com/products/hugo-documentation-theme/). Is there any way that the sidebar has a collapse functionality? Right now the sidebar containts so much points that the user has to scroll a lot.
I searched for hours but couldnt find a way and Hugo is quite new to me.
Hi @Dany_Tulumidis, we are aware of that issue and will solve it in one of the next releases. If you could make your site-repository public so we can test with your content - that would help us. I’ll get back to you tomorrow with a quick fix.
Hi again, please add the following to your style.css. This will add a scrollbar to the navigation and limit it’s height. This is only a quick fix, we will add collapsible subsections in the next release.
.sidebar{ overflow-y: scroll; max-height: 300px; } // set the hight as you want
You can add it directly to the themes /themes/dot-hugo-documentation-theme/assets/style.css or copy the whole file and add the change to a local copy in your root directories /assets/style.css.