Open content files via link in vscode from server-mode preview

When a project gets bigger, it can become annoying to look up content files in a large folder structure. I’m always using Hugo in server-mode to get an instant local preview and wanted to open the content files from there.

So I created two small partials two place before and after an HTML element without a link in my templates. They check if Hugo is running in server-mode and expect a parameter sourcePath with the full path of the project content directory.

If both prerequisites are fullfilled, they wrap the HTML element in a link. This link contains the full local path preceded by vscode://file and opens the content file in a local vscode instance.


{{- if .Site.IsServer -}}
{{- with (.Param "sourcePath") -}}
   {{ $src := . }}
   {{- with $.File -}}
       {{- $path := print "vscode://file" $src .Path  -}}
       <a {{ printf "href=%q" $path | safeHTMLAttr }} rel="nofollow">
   {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ else }}
   {{ warnf "Unable to find and open local content files. Missing 'sourcePath' parameter in the configuration." }}
{{ end }}{{- /**/ -}}


{{ if .Site.IsServer }}
    {{- with (.Param "sourcePath") }}
        {{- with $.File }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{ end }}{{- /**/ -}}

I’ve published those two also as a small Hugo module.

Maybe this will come in handy for you,


This is really useful, but I suspect you can get rid of the sourcePath. What if you do:

{{{ with .File }}
 {{- $path := print "vscode://file" .Filename  -}}
{{ end }}

Or something …?

I wrote this a while ago. If I remember correctly, vscode needs an absolut path and Hugo only knows about the path relative to the project root. But I’ll give it a try.

I’m pretty sure .Filename is an absolute path.

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Thanks. This is really handy. In server mode I typically render a couple of status bars below the header and before the content.


The edit link on the left is new, as of this morning. Nice.

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You’re right, sourcePathis gone and no one will miss it.


It would be cool if we could enable the same for the templates used for a given page … (we now actual have the bits and pieces for that, it would slow down the build some, but it could be added behind a flag …).



Can we document .Filename? This indirectly exposes $HOME in some cases.

Yes, we should document it; I don’t see us ever removing it. We have a security policy that says that “template files” is trusted. Also, I suspect we have other places where we show mount folder info (it’s fairly hard to reason about where a particular file is in a multi-theme swetup). We cannot let security paranoia spoil obviously useful features.

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