This is no help. We’d need to see how you are importing your css, and where your font files are, at a minimum. Really, it is next to impossible to help you without seeing all the files, I’ve no idea how that theme imports css.
Thanks for the quickstart-link. I started reading the documents, but I find the procedures extremely complicated and chaotic. Studying the document is like reading a German financal law with hundreds of cross-references and refers. After some time you will be lost in the deep of the law and have nothing understood. So feel I when reading Github docs.
However I will try again, but need another bottle of red wine before.
OK, bottle half empty, but my local repo is now pushed to Github: succesfully pushed
Are you trying to use (a) different fonts and host them locally, or (b) the existing fonts (Open Sans and Lora) and load them locally?
Yes, I tried. But obviously I made something wrong.
I would like to thank you all very much for all these comments and hints - I have learned a lot reading it.
As the result I decided to do the following:
- I understood that my problem has nothing to do directly with Hugo. Thats good cause I like the Hugo concept very much.
- Choosing a different theme: PaperMod. This solves my main problem (the German laywers). Besides that it is a nice and small theme so I probably will stay with it.
- Learning css in therory and practice. I’m sure that with more css knowledge my problem would have been solved very fast.
- Working with a GitHub repo. The beginning is a little bit complicated, but after a while I may understand more.
So again thanks to this wonderfull community.
If you are using BeautifulHugo theme then you just need to add
selfHosted = true
Under the [Params] section of your site config file
Thanks a lot
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