Non-deterministic Builds

Is it expected that I’d see non-deterministic builds given a config like below?

  type = "microsite"
  supTitle = "Category"
  heroClass = "bg-white pt-0"
  theme = "light"
    path = "/{ai,ads/learn,learn,web3}/category**"

  sectionTaxonomy = "ai/category"
  bodyClass = "ai-page"
    path = "/ai/category**"

  sectionTaxonomy = "ads/learn/category"
  bodyClass = "ads/learn-page"
  theme = "extra-light"
    path = "/ads/learn/category**"

  sectionTaxonomy = "learn/category"
  bodyClass = "learn-page taxonomy-page"
    path = "/learn/category**"

  sectionTaxonomy = "web3/category"
  bodyClass = "web3-page taxonomy-page"
    path = "/web3/category**"

My expectation was that the initial block would set a baseline, and then the subsequent blocks would override that baseline config. Instead, though, it appears that some builds choose the first cascade block, and others choose the subsequent, applicaple block.

Simplified reproduction can be found here: GitHub - AlanBreck/hugo-testing at non-deterministic-cascade

See Overlapping `cascade` rules are applied in nondeterministic order · Issue #12594 · gohugoio/hugo · GitHub

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Ah, thank you.

…it also appears that 2024 me seemed to think my issue was related as well.

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