Nil pointer evaluating resource.Resource.RelPermalink

Hello, I’m having issues with image resources when using a json data file and receiving the error below.

<$image.RelPermalink>: nil pointer evaluating resource.Resource.RelPermalink

I do not receive this error when using page params instead of json data.


{{ $roster := getJSON .Params.roster }}
{{ range $roster }}      
<div class="dropdown-container">
  <header class="clearfix">
    {{ with .Image }}
    {{ $image := resources.GetMatch . }}
      <img class="lazyload" data-object-fit="cover" src="{{ $image.RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $.Name }}">
    {{ end }}    
      <h3>{{ .Name }}</h3>
      <figure class="expand">
        <svg alt="" class="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
          <path fill="none" d="M15.898,4.045c-0.271-0.272-0.713-0.272-0.986,0l-4.71,4.711L5.493,4.045c-0.272-0.272-0.714-0.272-0.986,0s-0.272,0.714,0,0.986l4.709,4.711l-4.71,4.711c-0.272,0.271-0.272,0.713,0,0.986c0.136,0.136,0.314,0.203,0.492,0.203c0.179,0,0.357-0.067,0.493-0.203l4.711-4.711l4.71,4.711c0.137,0.136,0.314,0.203,0.494,0.203c0.178,0,0.355-0.067,0.492-0.203c0.273-0.273,0.273-0.715,0-0.986l-4.711-4.711l4.711-4.711C16.172,4.759,16.172,4.317,15.898,4.045z"></path>
    <div class="article-inner">
      {{ with .Class }}
      <p>Class: {{ . }}</p>
      {{ end }}
      {{ with .Highschool }}
      <p>High School: {{ . }}</p>
      {{ end }}
      {{ with .Hometown }}
      <p>Hometown: {{ . }}</p>
      {{ end }}
      {{ with .Position }}
      <p>Position: {{ . }}</p>
      {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Sample Data:

    "No.": "01",
    "Name": "Joe Smith",
    "Class": "So",
    "Highschool": "Pebble High School",
    "Hometown": "Austin, TX",
    "Position": "",
    "B/T": "",
    "Image": "/uploads/jsmith.jpg"

Hugo Resources are available only under two scenarios:

  1. If under the contentDir files are organized in Page Bundles
  2. If the file one wants to fetch as a Hugo Resource resides under the assetDir

It appears that you are doing something different.

Also see the Requesting Help guidelines.

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