Hello. AFAIK my issue relates to this thread, but is not a strict duplicate.
I want to add navigation to my posts. It should look like
← Previous Post · Next Post → · Other Posts
Where previous post/next post are powered by .(Prev|Next)InSection. Other Posts, as for now, links to the section page (mysite.com/blog). But ideally, I think, it should link to the paginator page where the post resides, so if the post is on 5th page, Other Posts should link to mysite.com/blog/page/5 instead of mysite.com/blog, so the reader has an uninterrupted experience. Am I right that for now it is impossible, and, if yes, are there plans for implementation of such a feature?
I have no plans to implement this. But this is open source.
But even if I wanted to implement this, I wouldn’t really know how to. As I believe I said in the issue you refer to, there isn’t a one:one relationship between Page and “Paginator page”. It’s a one:many relationship. So; which one would you link to in “Other Posts”?
I’d suppose implementing sql-like interface that returns an array of posts matching certain criteria (e.g section=blog, tags=['games','python']). Then I could compute the link I need mysite.com/blog/page/5 without having a link to that_specific_paginator.
Right now I don’t write in Go, later I may dig some manuals and make a pull request.