Mysterious duplicate content

I just learned about --path-warnings, and it’s reporting that every page on my site is a duplicate. I imagine there is just some configuration error somewhere. Is there a way to get it to tell me the source of the duplicates?

Here is the message (with most of my content pages deleted to make it smaller):

WARN 2020/09/25 11:13:17 Duplicate target paths: /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/404.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/charlotte-keith/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/cynthia-fernandez/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/jamie-martines/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/kent-wilhelm/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/paula-reed-ward/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/rebecca-moss/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/sara-simon/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/authors/yaasmeen-piper/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/news/2020/08/pennsylvania-coronavirus-covid-19-tests-delays-antigen-antibody-explained/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/news/2020/08/pennsylvania-covid-19-coronavirus-masks-tests-data-shutdown-questions-answers/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/news/2020/09/pa-coronavirus-orders-tom-wolf-unconstitutional-legal-analysis-john-roberts/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/news/2020/09/pa-election-november-supreme-court-mail-ballots-tom-wolf/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/news/2020/09/pa-evictions-what-to-know-legal-help-rental-assistance/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/news/2020/09/pa-gerrymandering-redistricting-lawmakers-rules-transparency/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/news/2020/10/pipeline-tk/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/news/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/series/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/topics/coronavirus/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/topics/index.html (2), /Users/adhoc/src/spl/poor-richard/public/topics/the-capitol/index.html (2)

And here is my config.toml:

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    description = "The mission of Spotlight PA is to hold powerful private and public forces across Pennsylvania — especially government, business and special interests — to account through urgent and compelling investigative journalism that leads to change and the betterment of democracy, the state and all who live here."
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Anything obviously wrong with that?

Ah ha! The issue is resources.PostProcess. I’ll file a bug.

It would be interesting to see your full repository. To assume the 404-page is a double of all your taxonomy pages looks very much like a deeper issue.

Yes … that is my mistake. I will fix it.

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