Multidimensional array's

Hi everyone.

I have a short question and i dont know how i can solve it. I want to insert a few images for every post, every image should also work as a link. I decided to create a new archtype. In the Front Matter i want to set a multidimensional array.

imagegallery = [["/path/to/img1.png", “http://link.tld”], ["/path/to/img2.png", “http://example.tld”]]

In the Partial i want to define an Img Tag with an link.

But how can i iterate through the multidimensioal array, is there way to do that?


You can use function Split or transform.Unmarchal. I haven’t tested the Unmarchal function, but Split works like this - using two separators:

{{ $imagegallery := "'/path/to/img1.png','http://link.tld';'/path/to/img2.png','http://example.tld'" }}
{{ $ig_split := split $imagegallery ";" }}
{{ range $i, $ig := $ig_split }}
    {{ $i }}: {{ $ig }}
    {{ $ig2_split := split $ig "," }}
        {{ range $j, $ig2 := $ig2_split}}
            {{ $j }}: {{ $ig2 }}
        {{ end }}
{{ end }}


* 0: '/path/to/img1.png','http://link.tld'
  * 0: '/path/to/img1.png'
  * 1: 'http://link.tld'
* 1: '/path/to/img2.png','http://example.tld'
  * 0: '/path/to/img2.png'
  * 1: 'http://example.tld'