Mount folders to '/static/images'

I would like to mount ‘remote/public/images’ to ‘static/images’ of the root site. Unfortunately this is resulting in images in ‘/static/images’ in 404 file not found error.?

What’s wrong with this configuration?

    - source: static
      target: static
    - source: remote/public/images
      target: static/images/

Have you tried setting an extra staticDir in your config?
Static Files | Hugo (

You may want to try with a file config/_default/module.yaml containing

- source: remote/public/images
  target: static/images

(I’m not familiar with Yaml syntax but this config works for me™)

Unfortunately this is resulting in images in ‘/static/images’ in 404 file not found error.?

How do you try to access these files?

I think there’s a GitHub issue about this somewhere, but assuming you have static files in both static/images and remote/public/images you need to do this:

    - source: static
      target: static
    - source: static/images
      target: static/images
    - source: remote/public/images
      target: static/images
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Thanks, my guess is that I am hitting an edge issue with the multiple mounts. Guess this would be fixed in new releases.

Does this mean the issue is resolved?