I’m having some difficultly bundling and minifying CSS assets.
Desired result (akin to Can't Bundle & Minify JS Assets):
- CSS reset file & CSS raw screen file are bundled together
- That combo file/variable is then minified
- The resulting file’s Permalink is put into the
Current result:
- CSS reset & CSS raw screen file are correctly bundling together (permalinking to this variable returns correct CSS)
- Running the minified function creates a CSS file that does not include the reset file’s characters at the start (at least locally)
Here is the current code:
{{ $reset := resources.Get “css/reset.css” }}
{{ $raw := resources.Get “css/screen.css” }}
{{ $screenCombined := slice $reset $raw | resources.Concat “css/screen.css” }}
{{ $screen := $screenCombined | minify }}
However for some reason, adding a ‘minify’ to line 3 does keep $reset included in the output:
{{ $reset := resources.Get “css/reset.css” }}
{{ $raw := resources.Get “css/screen.css” }}
{{ $screenCombined := slice $reset $raw | resources.Concat “css/screen.css” | minify }}
{{ $screen := $screenCombined | minify }}
but this gives a permalink of /css/screen.min.min.css, which I guess is one more min than you need.
Is there any reason why the files aren’t combining correctly with only one use of ‘minify’?
I thought it might be an issue with the Resources folder caching previous file versions while I’ve been messing around and changing file names, so I’ve attached a screenshot of my Resources folder too. Should I be clearing this cache manually? It has ‘style’ file which isn’t used, and what seems like too many ‘screens’?
Many thanks.