The commandline minify option doesn’t work on css here, neither this
{{ $styles := resources.Get “css/main.css” | minify }}
nor on this
{{ (resources.Get "css/home_specific.css" | minify).Content }}
So I have both the commandline option and the explicit calls, but the output is not minified. Did I miss something ?
Use resources.Minify
, as per documentation
{{ $styles := resources.Get “css/main.css” | resources.Minify }}
I did read the documentation.
So it shouldn’t be necessary. And the commandline option should work too.
The --minify
flags minifies the HTML files written to /public.
{{ $styles := resources.Get “css/main.css” | minify }}
{{ $styles.Content }} => minifed
{{ $styles.RelPermalink }} => minified
The above is very well tested, so you need to tell us what you mean by “not minified”.
the following is index.html (homepage), as is, with the newlines and indentations, which shouldn’t be there.
<style>@layer home{body {grid-template-columns: 15% 1fr}
figcaption {line-height:initial;font-size:2rem; font-family: "norse"}
h1+label {visibility:collapse}
p {font-size: clamp(16px, 2.2vw,20px);}
p:first-of-type {margin-top:0}
p:last-of-type {
display: table;
color:gold; text-align:center;
padding: 0 1dvw; margin:0;
border: medium dashed red;}
article header {display:none}
@media (width <= 350px) {
figure {display:none}
}</style><input type=checkbox id=showtoc>
<input type=checkbox id=showmenu><nav aria-labelledby="Primary navigation"><header role=banner><a title="Lien ramenant vers la page d'accueil" href=/><img alt="Logo du site" src=/Images/history/symboles_site/brand_symbol.webp width=300 height=139>
This is a known limitation with the @layer rule:
I see. no problem, I shouldn’t have to wait too long, and it’s mostly aesthetic anyway 
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