Mind maps with links

Hey all,

I’m pretty new to Hugo. I’m working on a page and I would like to create a menu/table of contents, in the form of a graph, where each node will be a link to the subpage.
I thought that Kroki would help me with that, but it generates a static image and I can’t add any link to it. Perfectly I would like to have something similar to this mind map, but links to subpages in all nodes.
Does anyone know how to achieve anything like that?


You might find some inspiration in this theme: https://amethyst.bencuan.me/

The example you link to uses this code block render hook to call Kroki’s public API. Notice that it renders an image element, something like:

<img alt="diagram" class="diagram diagram-kroki diagram-kroki-plantuml" id="h-rh-cb-kroki-3" src="/_1241048131771509262.svg">

When rendered this way, the SVG is not interactive.

Modify the hook to render the content returned by Kroki’s public API, e.g.,

{{ .Content | safeHTML }}

Then you can include links per https://plantuml.com/link. For example:

```kroki {type=plantuml}
skinparam monochrome true
+ OS
++ [[https://ubuntu.com/{Visit the Ubuntu site!} Ubuntu]]
+++ [[https://linuxmint.com/ Linux Mint]]
+++ [[https://kubuntu.org/ Kubuntu]]
+++ [[https://lubuntu.me/ Lubuntu]]
+++ [[https://neon.kde.org/ KDE Neon]]
++ SolydXK
++ SteamOS
++ Raspbian
-- Windows 95
-- Windows 98
-- Windows NT
--- Windows 8
--- Windows 10

Note that the Ubuntu link has a tooltip (mouseover) too.

Looks like:


I’m pretty sure there’s a plantuml issue, somewhere, related the dashed (instead of solid) text decoration on the link. To remove the text decoration:

```kroki {type=plantuml}
skinparam HyperlinkUnderline false
skinparam monochrome true
+ OS
++ [[https://ubuntu.com/{Visit the Ubuntu site!} Ubuntu]]
+++ [[https://linuxmint.com/ Linux Mint]]
+++ [[https://kubuntu.org/ Kubuntu]]
+++ [[https://lubuntu.me/ Lubuntu]]
+++ [[https://neon.kde.org/ KDE Neon]]
++ SolydXK
++ SteamOS
++ Raspbian
-- Windows 95
-- Windows 98
-- Windows NT
--- Windows 8
--- Windows 10