Menu items in config.toml seem not translatable

Menu items defined in config.toml

name = "Blog"
url = "blog"
weight = 3

Seem to be outside of the multi language realm. How can I translate Blog in different languages?
Is this a problem with the Vex-hugo template or am I overlooking something? Thank you

Hi @Houman,

You can translate the menu by using the proper syntax in the config file:

name = "Homepage"
weight = 1

You need to remove the [[menu.main]] items and replace them with one item for each translation you have. Be sure to add these items under the section where you define languages.

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Perfect. Thank you!

Sorry @gethugothemes ,

What about meta description on home page?

########################### Default parameters ##########################
logo = "images/logo.png"
# Meta data
description = ""

I tried this but didn’t succeed.

    logo = "images/logo.png"
    # Meta data
    description = "test"

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