
I was using wordpress for my website but now i want to switch to Hugo but i have some confusions. I’m using a theme and cloned it from this repository ( but now i dont understand where should i create markdown files or do i even need to create it? I can easily just override html files in the layouts and partials folders. Also i dont get how md files will be converted to html? Can someone help me with that?
Thanks alot in advance

Hugo will convert to html when you use command hugo on terminal.
For more, You can find Getting started guide.
You can also Migrate Your WordPress to Hugo.
May be useful.

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Oh thanks a lot for the help. Just one more question. Do I necessarily have to use markdown in Hugo or I can just stick to HTML?

No you don’t have to use markdown in Hugo. You can create a site completely in html.

For the other questions:
You can use the markdown files in /content folder or simply use hugo new file-path and generate new .md files.

The benefit of using markdown is that if you have already have a stylized single-page or partial template then you can reuse the template for all the contents, instead of creating multiple static html files.

Hope this helps.

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