Looking for suggestions to improve my archive page

I created a page at /archive that displays all the posts categorized by date, as shown in the picture below. The titles were generated using GPT.

The code that generated this:

{{ define "main" }}
<div class="card">
  {{ range (site.RegularPages.GroupByPublishDate "2006") }}
    {{ if ne .Key "0001" }}
    {{- $year := replace .Key "0001" "" }}
    <h3>{{ $year }}</h3>
      <ul class="archive-list">
        {{- range .Pages.GroupByDate "January" }}
          {{ range .Pages }}
            {{ .Date.Format "02 Jan" }} - <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</a>
          {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

The problem is that I can’t implement pagination because it’s not supported for this type of content. It would be better if, when I access /archive, only the year and the number of posts in that year are displayed, and then, upon clicking, a list of just the posts from that year appears.

I think that would require me to have links formatted like /archive/2023/ and /archive/2024/, but I’m not sure if that can be achieved with my current structure.

+ content
     + archive
          - index.org
               #+title: Posts Archive
               #+type: archive
               #+summary: This page contains an archive of all posts.

     + posts
            + first-post
                  - index.org
            + second-post
                  - index.org

  + layout
          + archive
                  - list.html <- the code shown above generating the archive page

My hugo.toml uses this configuration, but these only apply to posts and taxonomies:

# Permalinks
  posts = "posts/:year/:month/:slug"
  year  = "/posts/:slug/"
  month = "/posts/:slug/"

# Taxonomies
  year     = "year"
  month    = "month"
  tag      = "tags"
  category = "categories"

I’m not sure if what I’m trying to do is possible, but if it is, I would appreciate any tips on how to go about it. I want to have a page at /archive that shows the years, and when I click on a year, it displays the posts for that year. It would be great if pagination could be added only for the pages that show the list of posts.

Any suggestion appreciated.

This is the oldest open issue in our GitHub repository:

Relevant primarily to bloggers, this is about creating paginated archives by year, month, and day without having to use taxonomies.

If this were a trivial change, or a critical feature, I suspect it would have been implemented long ago. The best that I’ve been able to achieve is described here:

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