Just wanted to share a quick tip, that i find very useful and need a lot.
Coming from JavaScript x = x || y
or x = x && y
is a appreciated shot form. Until recently when working with Hugo I had no idea how to translate this to go templates. Today it somehow made sense and I love it.
Use case
If you are faced with the situation that you have optional values, that can only be assigned when existing, I mostly assigned a default value and than checked if the optional parameter is available:
{{ $color := .Site.Params.color }}
{{ with .Params.color }}
{{ $color = . }}
{{ end }}
This takesup 4 lines just to assign an optional value or its fallback. So I found this:
{{ $color := or .Params.color .Site.Params.color }}
You can even go so far as wrapping the assignment:
{{ $color := (or .Params.color .Site.Params.color) | safeCSS }}
{{ $result := or $valA $valB }}
is assigned when it has a truthy value, $valB
is assigned when $valA
is falsy (empty string, undefined/nil
or false
Same can be done with the logical AND operator:
{{ $result := and $valA $valB }}
But $valB
is only getting assigned assigned when $valA
is truthy.