Localized image in multilingual leaf bundle?

I may be missing something obvious, but I’m a little confused about multilingual images in a leaf bundle.

On the Multilingual doc page it says

Page Bundle’s resources follow the same language assignement logic as content files, be it by filename (image.jpg, image.fr.jpg) or by directory (english/about/header.jpg, french/about/header.jpg).

I have a leaf bundle with

  • index.en.md
  • index.es.md
  • image.jpg

The EN build directory contains

  • index.html
  • image.jpg

I thought that if I added image.es.jpg that it would replace image.jpg in the ES build. Instead, the ES directory contains

  • index.html
  • image.es.jpg

If I have a leaf bundle file named image2.es.jpg (without a file named image2.jpg), then image2.es.jpg ends up in both builds.

Is there a way to have bundle images ending in .es.jpg only used in the ES build?

And is there a way to have them renamed without the .es, so that .md files can simply refer to “image.jpg”, no matter what the language?
