Load a partial html file depending on config.toml

This has to be simple. What I want to do is load a partial html file in header.html depending on a config in config.toml.

This is in config.toml:


This is in header.html:

{{ if .Site.Params.banner }}
{{ partial “banner.html” . }}
{{ else }}
(no banner)
{{ end }}

It doesn’t work. With or without [banner] in config.toml, I get the output (no banner).

Even after restarting Hugo (70) and disabling caching in my browser dev tools. What am I missing?

You’re creating a table. It can’t be empty. In your TOML write:

  banner = true

Go from there.

Thanks! That works with a config within [params]. And I didn’t know what TOML stood for :slight_smile:

I was looking at this page https://gohugohq.com/howto/hugo-isset/ and that’s how I guessed at my first try. That page shows that isset should work for an empty table:

{{ if isset .Site.Params “banner” }}
{{ else }}
(no banner)
{{ end }}

But it doesn’t for me. But that page is from 2017, so is it outdated?

In any event, a second, related question: seeing that this works

banner = true

how would I use a separate param in config.toml? Like

banner = true

to show/hide the banner with either banner = true or banner = false ?

banner = true

banner = false