Listing multiple different contents

I’ve searched the docs Lists of Content in Hugo | Hugo

I need to display two different types of content with completely different parameters / views
(blog, services) they both have content:

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
subtitle: ""
layout: "single_blog"

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
subtitle: ""
layout: "single_service"

I’m handling the ‘single’ template with the layout, Is there a way to override the current list or a elegent way to list these out?

Please tell me if this is the correct way or if there’s a better way that I don’t see, I’m grabbing the url and using that to point to my content folder.


        {{ $content := trim $url "/" }} //$url = "blog"
        {{ $paginator := .Paginate (where site.RegularPages "Section" "==" $content ) }}
        <div class="uk-grid-match uk-child-width-1-3@m uk-text-center" uk-grid>
        {{ range  $paginator.Pages }}
              {{ .Render (printf "list_%s" $content) }}
        {{ end }}

No, that is not how Section lists should be rendered.

One doesn’t really need to manipulate the Permalink string to point to a specific Section.

If you want to specify different layouts for different Sections, you can use simpler methods like:

  1. Provide the relevant markup, within a condition like: if eq .Section "blog" etc, in the main list template under /layouts/_default/list.html


  1. Provide a different template for each Section (see: the lookup order for Sections for information regarding the location of a list template for a specific Section).

Okay it’s a little confusing in the docs, if I understand correctly to use the lookup order of multiple different lists for content my structure looks like this?



Yes, that is correct.

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I’m also just going to guess if I put a single.html in those directories that that will be the new singles page… :man_facepalming:

Yes. If you need different single page templates for each Section, then that is the place to define them.

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