I am developing a Syntax Definition, for syntax highlighting in Sublime Text.
My goal is to create syntax-files so that in Sublime all the text is highlighted within templates and markdown files.
The problem to be solved is that in the Hugo files only the html or markdown text is highlighted, ignoring Front Matter and everything between {{ }}.
Creating the Syntax Definitions for Sublime wouldn’t be very complicated, in principle. However, what is proving difficult is collecting all the reserved words, because they are scattered throughout the documentation.
Thanks, @davidsneighbour. Precisely, I am working on GoSublime, to add highlighting of reserved words that are exclusive to Hugo.
GoSublime identifies Go keywords… (?: Break | case | chan | const | continue | ... etc.)
but ignore hugo’s functions and variables… (?: absURL | Get | GetPage | HasMenuCurrent | Param | ... etc.)