This isn’t anything new, but came into focus while investigating an inquiry related to v0.123.0.
There is nothing to prevent you from creating front matter like this:
- a b
- a-b
- a,b
- a:b
- a?b
But there are some side effects of which you may not be aware:
- The first two terms are equivalent. Both are published to
with title “a b”. - The next two terms collide. Both are published to
. You can detect this by running Hugo with the--printPathWarnings
command line flag. There are at least 21 other combinations of ASCII letters and punctuation that collide with these two. - The fifth term contains a character that is not allowed in Windows file names, preventing you from overriding the term title or adding term metadata using
. There are 9 characters that are disallowed by Windows:< > : " / \ | > *
Follow the rules below to avoid these side effects.
Naming rules
Taxonomy terms may contain Unicode letters, Unicode numbers, spaces, and any of the following characters:
(at sign)~
Note that spaces and hyphens are equivalent, so these terms are equivalent:
a b
Although these two terms have the same URL (collide), we cannot disallow hyphens or spaces due to prevalence in the wild.
To add other characters to the term title, create a term page at content/taxonomy/term/
Validate your site
You can efficiently validate your site’s taxonomy terms with something like:
{{ if .IsHome }}
{{ range $taxonomy, $_ := site.Taxonomies }}
{{ range $term, $_ := . }}
{{ if findRE `[^\pL\pN\s_\-\#\+\.\@\~]` $term }}
{{ errorf `The term %q in taxonomy %q is invalid. Taxonomy terms may contain Unicode letters, Unicode numbers, spaces, and any of the following characters: "_", "-", "#", "+", ".", "@", and "~".` $term $taxonomy }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Call it from your base template; it runs once for each language.
The details
For anyone interested in the analysis details:
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-48638 hugo-forum-topic-48638
cd hugo-forum-topic-48638
hugo server