Kiera theme: range can't iterate over aws s3cmd

Here is the full stack trace:

ERROR 2017/12/19 13:26:08 Error while rendering "page": template: /Users/antkong/wd/blogs/myblog-hugo/myblog/themes/kiera/layouts/_default/single.html:3:3: executing "main" at <partial "article" .>: error calling partial: template: theme/partials/article.html:6:11: executing "theme/partials/article.html" at <partial "aside" .>: error calling partial: template: theme/partials/aside.html:11:42: executing "theme/partials/aside.html" at <.Params.categories>: range can't iterate over aws s3cmd

How can I resolve this issue?

I can see there is an article that contains the said string aws s3cmd

categories: aws s3cmd
comments: true
date: 2015-04-17T00:00:00Z
title: s3cmd uses .s3cfg
url: /2015/04/17/s3cmd-uses-s3cfg/

s3cmd uses ~/.s3cfg file

aws cli uses ~/.aws/config

You need to format your front matter. In this case, a lot of those values need to be quoted. Your categories need to be formatted as an array.

Check the YAML example.

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