I have got a JSON document like
author : [
{ given : "a", family : "b" }, { given : "c", family : "d" }
and I try to crete within my template a coma delimited list, so I do
{{ delimit ( apply $item.author ( print “.given” ", " “.family” ) “.” ) ", " }}
but this does not work, so I would like to get: a b, c d
How can I get a correct delimited string list from my objects?
July 4, 2016, 1:19pm
I suggest you break it up into smaller parts and read the documentation carefully. Not sure what you expect from the print func, for starters.
I try this, but I’m failing on the print command. I try to do it with
{{ $authorlist := " " }}
{{ range $item := $json.author }}
{{ $authorlist := (print $authorlist $item.given " " $item.family ", ") }}
{{ end }}
<em>{{ slice $authorlist 0 -2 }}</em>
At the em command the variable $authorlist is empty, exactly it has the value before the range call. If I do the output within the range I get the result, but I need the full concatinated list of all elements within the JSON list.
I just try it with
{{ range $publication.author }}
<em>{{ print .given " " .family ", " }}</em>
{{ end }}
This works, but I get a trailing ; at the end (and I would like to remove it), but on
{{ apply $publication.author (print .given " " .family ", ") "." }}
I get the error at <apply $publication.a...>: error calling apply: can't find function <nil> <nil
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