I tried out this, but Hugo renders that code block in a separate HTML block, not inline like a span tag would.
I would like to inline syntax highlight super short code snippets
where possible.
I am attempting to inline
{{< highlight emacs "linenos=inline" >}}(message "this highlight shortcode"){{< /highlight >}}.
But it is creating a paragraph break around it.
Is there a way to fix it, may be using some custom shortcode?
This is what it renders to: Inline Highlight shortcode | Hugo MWE
Recipe to quickly reproduce this issue
git clone https://gitlab.com/hugo-mwe/hugo-mwe
cd hugo-mwe
git checkout inline-highlight-sc-attempt
Try using Inline Shortcodes or a Shortcode that makes use of .Inner
From what I’ve seen a way to stop the creation of extra paragraphs is to bypass Goldmark.
I tried using this custom “hl2” shortcode:
{{- transform.Highlight .Inner (.Get 0) -}}
That didn’t help either (you can see the preview if you refresh that same page linked above).
Then try an Inline shortcode variation.
The general idea is that the highlight
element you try to output does not get processed by Goldmark.
Nope, still no dice.
I believe I am using inline shortcode here correctly because site at least renders, but I still see the code wrapped in div and pre tags and that’s the problem.
I am attempting to inline {{< hl3.inline >}}{{- transform.Highlight `(message "this hl3 shortcode")` "emacs" -}}{{</hl3.inline >}}, but still no luck.
Also, I don’t know how to define inline shortcode definitions that accept .Inner
and arguments using .Get 0
. For now, I hardcoded both in the above inline shortcode example, and that didn’t work.
You can see the preview if you refresh that same page linked above.
So looks like this will be a feature request for Hugo?
Perhaps someone else in the forum has a workaround.
If not, then open a GitHub issue.
I found a hack… replaced the div tag with span and removed the pre tag… and now it works as I want.
Updated Inline Highlight shortcode | Hugo MWE
Perhaps someone else in the forum has a workaround.
I would want the ox-hugo
package to export Markdown with Hugo-builtin shortcodes if possible so that a user doesn’t need to add this hack to their site to make the inline code block syntax highlighting work.
I have opened this issue:
opened 09:15PM - 28 Jan 22 UTC
- [Discussion on Discourse](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/is-there-a-way-to-inli… ne-syntax-highlight-short-code-snippets/36834)
- [experiment](https://inline-highlight-sc-attempt--hugo-mwe.netlify.app/posts/inline-highlight-shortcode/#hack) | [markdown source](https://gitlab.com/hugo-mwe/hugo-mwe/-/raw/inline-highlight-sc-attempt/content/posts/inline-highlight-shortcode.md)
Right now, if I have this in the markdown:
I am attempting to inline
{{< highlight emacs "linenos=inline" >}}(message "this highlight shortcode"){{< /highlight >}}.
But it is creating a paragraph break around it.
it renders to:

This issue is to request a feature addition to the code fence and highlight shortcode with a boolean attribute like `inline`, where if `inline=true` is set, it will render `span` tags instead of `div` tags and remove the `pre` tags.
With a shortcode "hl4.html" defined this way:
{{- transform.Highlight .Inner (.Get 0) (.Get 1 | default "")
| replaceRE `^<div class="highlight"><pre [^>]+>`
`<span class="highlight-inline">`
| replaceRE `</pre></div>$`
| safeHTML -}}
and this in the markdown:
I am attempting to inline
{{< hl4 emacs >}}(message "this hl4 shortcode"){{< /hl4>}}. And this!! finally works.
we can get this:

This feature was implemented by bep today. Thank you!
The highlight
shortcode will now understand hl_inline=true
This will work now:
I am attempting to inline
{{< highlight emacs "hl_inline=true" >}}(message "this highlight shortcode"){{< /highlight >}}
which will render as below:
The relevant commit is markup/highlight: Add hl_inline option · gohugoio/hugo@d863dde · GitHub . So this feature will be available in Hugo v0.101.0 .
June 17, 2022, 6:14pm
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