hi, I meet some problem when I try to add attribute to the head and body of a table. those was proved incorrect…
No, it is not.
ok, Thanks
You could do it with a custom shortcode.
Given file layouts/shortcodes/custom-table.html
with content of:
{{ $table := .Inner | markdownify }}
{{ $tableClass := .Get "tableClass" }}
{{ $theadClass := .Get "theadClass" }}
{{ $tbodyClass := .Get "tbodyClass" }}
{{ $oldTableTag := "<table>" }}
{{ $newTableTag := printf "<table class=\"%s\">" $tableClass }}
{{ $table := replace $table $oldTableTag $newTableTag }}
{{ $oldTheadTag := "<thead>" }}
{{ $newTheadTag := printf "<thead class=\"%s\">" $theadClass }}
{{ $table := replace $table $oldTheadTag $newTheadTag }}
{{ $oldTbodyTag := "<tbody>" }}
{{ $newTbodyTag := printf "<tbody class=\"%s\">" $tbodyClass }}
{{ $table := replace $table $oldTbodyTag $newTbodyTag }}
{{ $table | safeHTML }}
With markdown usage of:
{{< custom-table
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| a | b | c |
{{< /custom-table >}}
Will render this html table:
<table class="sample-table-class">
<thead class="sample-thead-class">
<tbody class="sample-tbody-class">
Git branch: GitHub - zwbetz-gh/hugo-playground at hugo-forum-topic-33145
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