Following is a simplified version of our include
shortcode for including Markdown (or HTML) content files from other content files:
{{- $includes_dir := (.Get "d") | default .Site.Params.includes_dir -}}
{{- $include_file := printf "%s/%s" $includes_dir (.Get "f") -}}
{{- with .Site.GetPage $include_file -}}
{{- .Content | markdownify -}}
{{- end -}}
In config.toml, we set an includes_dir
site Params
variable to a default includes content directory:
includes_dir = "_includes"
(as opposed togetPage
), shortcode calls in the included file aren’t processed.
accepts a file path within the Hugo root directory whileGetPage
accepts a relative file path within the configured content directory. -
PROBLEM: Initially, adding a shortcode call at the start of the included file (before any text or standard Markdown code) produced a Hugo runtime error:
invalid character '{' looking for beginning of object key string for <include file path>
.With v0.48 of Hugo, adding an empty HTML comment before the shortcode call eliminated the error; but with v0.52 or v0.53, this didn’t help and even the HTML comment on its own produced a similar error.
SOLUTION: We found that adding a metadata section at the start of the included file (as is the standard practice for Hugo content files) eliminates the error, even if it’s an empty section (i.e., just two
lines). (I’m guessing the different behavior between v0.48 and v0.52+ might be related to the support for defining inline shortcodes in content files, which was added in Hugo v0.52.) -
For information about include-file shortcode-calls context issues that we encountered and our solution (related to our multi-version site design), see Include-file shortcode context issues.
For reflecting include-file headings in the including file’s page mini TOC, see my answer on the Shortcode processing order thread and the
Shortcode processing order - #8 by sharonl tips post that it references.