Img srcset with list of imgs in front matter params

Hello. How to use list of img with srcset?

mainImg = ""
mainImgs = ['', '', '']

And I need to add this images to img srcset

{{ with .Params.mainImg }}  <- need to change to mainImgs
    {{ with resources.GetRemote . }}        
          src="{{ .Permalink }}"
          alt="{{ .Params.altMainImg }}"
          title="{{ .Params.titleMainImg }}"
          sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1024px) 50vw, 33vw"
          srcset="small.jpg 500w, medium.jpg 768w, {{ .RelPermalink }} 1024w"          
   {{ end }} 
{{ end }}

src=“{{ .Permalink }}” ← 1024.jpg
srcset=“500.jpg 500w, 768.jpg 768w, 1024.jpg 1024w”
How to do this logic?

Looks like you are looking for the range function

I know range. I need to range to variable and insert from variable? Because I don’t know how to range this in img param

mmh, guess I did not get the point. how does the final result look like

  • one img tag for each element mainImgs?
  • content of srcset?

I need to fill all srcset with range
srcset=“small.jpg 500w, medium.jpg 768w, {{ .RelPermalink }} 1024w”
srcset=“500.jpg 500w, 768.jpg 768w, 1024.jpg 1024w”

for your case if the sizes are fixed and the image names match maybe something like that
guess this should help for a go

    {{ $mainImg := "img_1024.jpg" }}
    {{ $sizes := slice "500" "750" }}
    {{ $srcset := slice (printf "%s 1024w" $mainImg) }}
    {{ range $sizes }}
       {{ $srcset = append (printf "%s %sw" (replace $mainImg "1024" .) .) $srcset }}
    {{ end }}
    <img class="image" srcset="{{ delimit $srcset ", " }}" />


<img class="image" srcset="img_1024.jpg 1024w, img_500.jpg 500w, img_750.jpg 750w" />
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To get all images published locally you will need to call permalink for all images

   mainImgs = ["images/bare-metal-website_1024.png", "images/bare-metal-website_500.png", "images/bare-metal-website_750.png"]
  • taking the first as default
  • picking up the size from the end
  • render all images locally
   {{ with .Params.MainImgs }}
      {{ with resources.Get (index . 0) }}
         {{ $srcset := slice }}
         {{ range $.Params.MainImgs }}
            {{ with resources.Get . }}
               {{ $size := index (index (findRESubmatch `.*_(\d+)\.png$` .) 0) 1 }}
               {{ $srcset = append (printf "%s %sw" .RelPermalink $size) $srcset }}
            {{ end }}
         {{ end }}
         <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" class="image" srcset="{{ delimit $srcset ", " }}" />
      {{ end }}
   {{ end }}
  • use GetRemote if you download the images
  • you might also consider using hugo image pipline and just download one and resize yourself
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