I’ve been working on markdown layout where there are four images A, B, C, and D and I would like to add links to them such that A is directed to a.md under folder A and so on.
Here are the details:
File structure
- index.md
- A
- a.md
- B
- b.md
Layout. Four images, better with captions for each of them, better positioned at center of the page.
Thank you for the response. Just I’m not very familiar with Hugo and I wonder if you mind sharing more details, like what to specify in both _index.md as I just tried creating blank files but it does not work.
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-44744 https://github.com/jmooring/hugo-testing hugo-forum-topic-44744
cd hugo-forum-topic-44744
hugo server
So sorry for getting back to this thread as I didn’t realize the problem was actually due to the theme I’m using and the problem is still there.
I thought I had done wrongly before but now I find it should be about the theme configuration. Would you mind looking into this via Ros Ark / Layout · GitLab?