Hi There,
I am new to Hugo and not at all familiar with go, and am having some trouble getting the image resizing shortcodes to work in a custom layout template. This is a layout for my /content/projects/*.md files and other parts of the template work fine. Most of these markdown files have ‘featuredImage = “path/to/img.jpg”’ in the frontmatter, and I want to use this path to generate a resized thumbnail cover image for a grid portfolio page. Below is the relevant code:
# this range / index stuff is used to generate a bootstrap grid further down and seems to
# work
{{ range $index, $element := first 8 (where .Site.Pages "Section" "projects") }}
{{ $c := add $index 1 }}
{{ if modBool (add $c 2) 3 }}
<div class="row">
{{end }}
{{ if modBool $c 3 }}
<div class="col-sm-4 project-item">
{{ if isset .Params "featuredImage" }}
{{ index .Params "featuredImage" }}
{{ $resized := .Params.featuredImage.Resize "200x" }}
<div class='featured'>
<a href='{{ .Permalink }}'><img src="{{ $resized.RelPermalink }}"></a>
{{ end }}
This code does not throw an error, but also does not work. I have tried several variations on this, including setting ‘featuredimage’ to lowercase (as mentioned for ‘site-level’ configuration keys here). That throws the following error in my ‘hugo serve -D’ build:
can't evaluate field resize in type interface {}
To my understanding, this means that the ‘if isset’ statement is evaluating true when ‘featuredimage’ is lowercase, but not when it is camelCase. But I am still left with no image and no resized image.
A couple other things:
- I have tried printing the referenced image path directly with {{ .Params.featuredImage }} and the paths are correct
- I have tried adding $element before .Params as I believe that is what .Params is referencing (please correct me if this is incorrect)
- I have also tried following guidance here but am still unable to diagnose issue. Specifically, .Params.featuredImage.ResourceType throws the following error:
can't evaluate field resourcetype in type interface {}
Any guidance would be much appreciated!
EDIT: changed title / added link to related post