Is there a way to guarantee that the image output filenames for image processed images is always the same? For example, if I call this: {{ $thumbnail := $image.Fill "800x450 Center" }}
and the output filename is this: thumbnail_hue9118bbc5fb5fb16fd71fab5a793b94f_121525_800x450_fill_box_center_3.png
is there a way to guarantee that the filename will not change? Looking at that GUID, I’m guessing the answer is a resounding “no.”
See, I’m in a bit of a pickle. Someone in my organization has copied the URLs to said processed images and pasted them into html formatted e-mails. Since that time, we’ve updated hugo and made various changes. It looks like the filename convention - not to mention the GUID - has changed, breaking the image links. Since the e-mails have already gone out, the damage is done. Short of recreating those exact filenames manually, I’m not sure how best to fix this.