I am trying to log some messages in my layout files for troubleshooting using fmt.Erroridf like so:
{{ fmt.Erroridf "DBG" "sdfsfsf ssafdsa" }}
… and I have added this in config.yml:
ignoreLogs: [ "DBG", ... ]
But hugo command still fails with the following error:
Start building sites …
hugo v0.127.0+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=2024-06-05T10:27:59Z VendorInfo=brew
ERROR sdfsfsf
You can suppress this error by adding the following to your site configuration:
ignoreLogs = ['DBG']
Total in 213 ms
Error: error building site: logged 1 error(s)
I changed to dbg and it works. Not quite though. Now, the build passes but I don’t see the message logged to the console, which beats the purpose. I would like to see the message (for troubleshooting) in the console and not fail the build. Is such a thing supported?